Can Teachers Detect Chat GPT? ( Find Out!)
Chat GPT is catching everyone’s attention since it first came out in November 2022. It is developed by Open AI and has enormous uses in several domains. Due to its growing use in academic sections, teachers are now able to detect Chat GPT through various services.
Chat GPT carries its advantages and disadvantages at the same time. No doubt its use has proven to be beneficial in multiple sectors. But, you should think about it before using it for academic purposes such as essay or assignment writing.

Can Teachers Detect Chat GPT?
To counter the negative aspects of Chat GPT and its trending use in students, teachers do have Chat GPT detection methods available. Chat GPT works by generating human-like responses using the existing information available.
These tools can aid teachers in controlling the misuse of this software. They work by detecting the asynchronism and irregularities in the written text of Chat GPT. Using these tools by teachers is crucial to maintain the balance between the originality and creativity of students.
Why Chat GPT Detection is Important in Academics?
In my opinion, Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can be used in several ways. Most of the students nowadays are regularly using it for their benefit. Not only Chat GPT acts like a text-based query program, but students can also write essays and assignments without any problem.
No matter if a student uses this program to create interactive content or to write a research paper, Chat GPT can kill creativity. It is holding back the cognitive and brainstorming ability of students and allows them to even cheat on exams and tests.
With the growing popularity of Chat GPT, it is also raising many concerns in the educational sector. The misuse of such AI programs is enabling students to get benefits through unfair means. As a result, the whole purpose of education and learning is getting compromised.
Chat GPT Detection Through Turnitin?
Turnitin is used by numerous educational institutions throughout the world for its plagiarism detection abilities. Recently, Turnitin has managed to introduce its Chat GPT detection system. Teachers are already using it to detect if the written topic is human or AI written.
Turnitin analyzes the given data to find the difference between the idiosyncratic writing of a human and a chatbot. One big advantage of Turnitin Chat GPT detection is that the company regularly updates the program to make it more efficient.
However, Turnitin does have challenges in detecting the Chat GPT’s responses. The main idea behind the detection is the lack of critical thinking and problem-solving in Chat GPT. So, Turnitin considers Chat GPT’s responses a little more average than those written by a human brain itself.
Grammarly Program for Chat GPT Detection
Just like Turnitin, you’re well aware of Grammarly which is an amazing tool for grammar correction and plagiarism detection. After the boom in AI-generated content, Grammarly took a step forward and introduced its AI text detection plugin for teachers.
Before the launch of the AI detector, Grammarly was already using its powerful engine to help everyone improve their writing styles. The various modes such as clarity, and scoring of one’s written content enable Grammarly to precisely detect AI-generated responses.
Now, teachers are using Grammarly’s AI detection in their normal routine. Grammarly can detect the algorithm and changing tones in the texts to see if it is formal or informal. In my opinion, this program is as important as Turnitin in drawing a line between humans and AI.
JStylo-Anonymous Program
JStylo-Anonymouth is a Java-based program that makes use of JStylo libraries to detect language and author differences. There is a difference between the writing styles of AI and humans such as word lengths, bigrams, and trigrams.
This program can effectively detect the stylometric patterns within the written content. If a teacher has a previous record of a student’s handwritten essays, the teacher can compare it to the one that the student wrote through Chat GPT.
Both data when compared, enables the teachers to carefully identify the linguistic differences. JStylo-Anonymouth is not being used widely but it is a powerful tool to detect Chat GPT by comparison and analysis.
Data Flagging Through MOSS and JPlag
As Chat GPT uses existing knowledge to generate a response, it is not well-efficient in providing original content. Teachers and educational institutions can detect the similarities in the codes generated by Chat GPT through MOSS and JPlag programs.
Chat GPT’s text generation and responses came in the form of a code. MOSS and JPlag can compare these codes with the existing codes in online libraries. If these programs find any complete or incomplete similarities, the written responses will be flagged as AI-generated.
Copyscape for Chat GPT Detection
CopyScape is another great competitor in the line of plagiarism detector tools. Recently, they also included AI text detection in their software. The functionality is not as great as Turnitin or Grammarly but it still manages to detect the difference between individual and AI texts.
As far as the Chat GPT is helping in developing an efficient AI for various purposes, its use in education must be monitored. Chat GPT is encouraging students to generate responses they can use to cheat in exams and kill their productive skills.
Teachers have more moral responsibility than just checking and grading mark sheets. They are there to make a student more productive and honest. The programs like Turnitin and Grammarly are widely employed by teachers to make sure students produce original work.